ASD™ Registry - American Service Dogs™, ASD™ | Community Committees and Evaluators 2024
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ASD™ Community Committees
With ASD™ being a non-profit foundation, our focus can be on the needs of those we serve, not making a profit. This has allowed us to develop ASD™ "Community Committees" across the USA.
Unique Challenges & Solutions

Each city / state, has its own unique challenges for Service Dogs. Therefore, in each city that has an ASD™ "Community Committee", the members are enabled to identify their own specific needs and the ability to develop resolutions to overcome them.
Image of women from a community committee.
The Next Step

Once resolutions have been reviewed by an ASD™ Community Committee and voted upon for approval, these resolutions can be submitted to a local service group such as DAV, city council, or a senator / congress person for consideration.
Key Benefits
Unique challenges for Service Dogs are more effectively addressed
Fraudulent representation of pets being Service Dogs becomes more evident
Service Dogs now have a more accurate recognition in a community
Businesses have a greater recognition of a Service Dog being PublicSafe

Link to the spinLife Freedom Facebook Page Link to the DOT Service Animal Regulations Web site for OptimuMedicine Link to The Edge pet Hospital Web Site Link to Neff Headwear web site Web site for Fantastic Embroidery

"It is important to understand that a "Service Dog" is trained to assist or accommodate a person with a disability and not be distracted; in accordance with city, state and federal laws."

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